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The Boat Hall at the Horda Museum houses 26 clinker-built, open wooden boats

The Boat Hall at the Horda Museum houses 26 clinker-built, open wooden boats (Svein Nord).

Hordamusèet is one of the district’s cultural history museums. The museum has a section for building history with a courtyard, schoolhouse, mill, shop and post office. The coastal culture enjoys a large space with sheds, boats and fishing tackle. The museum has a fine collection of tapestries by the weaver Rarna Breivik, based on the watercolours by Gerhard Munthe, and concentrates on varied exhibitions from Norway and abroad. On the Fana Mountain is the summer pasture section of the museum, with buildings from various places in Hordaland.

  • Reconstruction drawing of the long ship shed in Bjørvika.

Langskipsnaustet på Stend

In Bjørvika at Stend, just below the Horda Museum, there is a site of a large house that was excavated in 1966-72. The shed has been all of 32 m long. The longitudinal walls, which had been built of vertical split rods, have been bent, 8.5m wide in the middle, and 7m at the ends. Inside the side walls there have been two rows of supporting poles. On the floor of the shed there were also remains of two fireplaces, one at the inner wall and one at the outer.


Carbon dating of the walls gave a date of around 150-350 years AD for the wood, while dating of the pottery from the site point to 400-500 years AD. Some finds may be even younger.


This shed is 6-700 years older than the “leidangsordninga” (the obligation to provide ships) from the end of 900. It is therefore unlikely that it was the war ship belonging to Skjold coastal administration district that was housed in this shed.

  • Boathouse environment, Hordamuseet Museum.

Boathouse environment, Hordamuseet Museum. The red village shop moved from Holsund in Fusa to left in picture.